RDKlib Add-On to RDK Workshop

The RDK Workshop had the objective to show how a customer can create their own rules (Custom Config Rule) to detect violations on AWS resources and how they can remediate once the rule is violated.

The RDKlib Add-On has the objective to take the same example, MFA_ENABLED_RULE created in the RDK Workshop, and provide guidance on how to accomplish the solution using the RDKLib Python library to enable you to run custom AWS Config Rules at scale. The library can be used to:

  • Help you to focus only on the compliance logic, while the library does the heavy lifting
  • Ease maintenance by moving the boilerplate code as a AWS Lambda Layer
  • Ease deployment by using AWS Serverless Application Repository


  • Assumes you have knowledge in using RDK, an AWS Config Rules Development Kit that helps developers setup, author, and test custom Config Rules.
  • Assumes you have successfully completed the RDK Workshop

Task 1: Install RDKlib locally

pip install rdklib

Task 2: Create Rule using RDK with RDKlib

  • Periodic Trigger Example:
rdk create RULE_NAME --runtime python3.11-lib --maximum-frequency TwentyFour_Hours
  • Configuration Change Trigger Example (for IAM User)
rdk create YOUR_RULE_NAME --runtime python3.11-lib --resource-types AWS::IAM::User

Task 3: Write the Code

  • Write Code for MFA_ENABLED_RULEs used in RDK Workshop examples to implement the RDKlib.
  • For basic solutions to this exercise, scroll to the end.

Task 4: Install RDKlib layer in AWS

RDKLib is designed to work as a AWS Lambda Layer. It allows you to use the library without needing to include it in your deployment package.

Install via AWS CLI

  1. Create CloudFormation ChangeSet for RDKlib-Layer
aws serverlessrepo create-cloud-formation-change-set --application-id arn:aws:serverlessrepo:ap-southeast-1:711761543063:applications/rdklib --stack-name RDKlib-Layer
  1. Copy/Paste the full change-set ARN to customize the following command and Execute ChangeSet
aws cloudformation execute-change-set --change-set-name NAME_OF_THE_CHANGE_SET
  1. Describe CloudFormation Stack
aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources --stack-name serverlessrepo-RDKlib-Layer
  1. Take Note of the PhysicalResourceId as that is the ARN for the RDKlib Layer

Install via AWS Console

  1. Create Function from Serverless App Repository. Click here
  2. Search for rdklib
  3. Deploy
  4. Take Note of the PhysicalResourceId as that is the ARN for the RDKlib Layer
  5. CloudFormation -> Stacks -> serverlessrepo-rdklib -> Resources

Task 5: Provide Role to Assume for Lambda Functions

  • By default, the Lambda Functions will try to AssumeRole of the AWSServiceConfigRole, which is not allowed.
  • You need to provide the Role to Assume for the Lambda Function when its running the code logic you implemented for MFA_ENABLED_RULE.
  • This is done by updating the input parameter for ExecutionRoleName, and providing the Role Name.
rdk modify MFA_ENABLED_RULE -i '{"ExecutionRoleName":"ExampleRole"}'
  • If using the same Lambda Role that was created by rdk, it will look like this:
rdk modify MFA_ENABLED_RULE -i '{"ExecutionRoleName":"rdk/MFAENABLEDRULEconfigchangesrdklib-rdkLambdaRole-R0W9ZV90V0HV"}'

Task 6: Deploy the Rule

rdk deploy YOUR_RULE_NAME --rdklib-layer-arn YOUR_RDKLIB_LAYER_ARN

Solutions - MFA_ENABLED_RULE Example with RDKlib

Triggers on Configuration Change (AWS::IAM::User)

def evaluate_change(self, event, client_factory, configuration_item, valid_rule_parameters):

    username = configuration_item.get("resourceName")

    iam_client = client_factory.build_client("iam")

    response = iam_client.list_mfa_devices(UserName=username)

    # IAM user has MFA enabled.
    if response["MFADevices"]:
        return [Evaluation(ComplianceType.COMPLIANT)]

    # IAM user has MFA disabled.
    return [Evaluation(ComplianceType.NON_COMPLIANT, annotation="MFA needs to be enabled for user")]

Triggers Periodic (without Pagination)

def evaluate_periodic(self, event, client_factory, valid_rule_parameters):
    evaluations = []

    iam_client = client_factory.build_client("iam")

    response = iam_client.list_users()

    for user in response["Users"]:
        username = user["UserName"]
        response = iam_client.list_mfa_devices(UserName=username)

        # IAM user has MFA enabled.
        if response["MFADevices"]:
            evaluations.append(Evaluation(ComplianceType.COMPLIANT, username, "AWS::IAM::User"))

        # IAM user has MFA disabled.
        if not response["MFADevices"]:
            annotation = "MFA needs to be enabled for user."
                Evaluation(ComplianceType.NON_COMPLIANT, username, "AWS::IAM::User", annotation=annotation)
    return evaluations

Triggers Periodic (with Pagination)

def evaluate_periodic(self, event, client_factory, valid_rule_parameters):

    evaluations = []

    iam_client = client_factory.build_client("iam")

    paginator = iam_client.get_paginator("list_users")
    response_iterator = paginator.paginate()

    for response in response_iterator:
        for user in response["Users"]:
            username = user["UserName"]
            response = iam_client.list_mfa_devices(UserName=username)

            # IAM user has MFA enabled.
            if response["MFADevices"]:
                evaluations.append(Evaluation(ComplianceType.COMPLIANT, username, "AWS::IAM::User"))
            # IAM user has MFA disabled.
            if not response["MFADevices"]:
                annotation = "MFA needs to be enabled for user."
                    Evaluation(ComplianceType.NON_COMPLIANT, username, "AWS::IAM::User", annotation=annotation)
    return evaluations