Dev Guide

class ClientFactory

method build_client()

Create or reuse a boto3 client. It minimizes the number of STS calls by reusing existing client, if already available.

Request Syntax

response = client_factory.build_client(
    service='string', region='string', assume_role_mode='bool')


  • service (string) -- [REQUIRED]

The boto3 name of the AWS service

  • region (string) -- [OPTIONAL]

Default: None The boto3 region

  • assume_role_mode (string) -- [OPTIONAL]

Default: True By Default, ClientFactory is using AWS Config Role, which is comming from Config Rule event.

  1. User can disable the assume_role_mode by setting it to False or set AssumeRoleMode to False in Config Rules Parameter. ClientFactory will then use the attached lambda role for the execution.
  2. User also can specify a custom role in Config Rules Parameter with ExecutionRoleName as well as ExecutionRoleRegion for ClientFactory

class ConfigRule

method evaluate_parameters()

Used to analyze the validity of the input parameters of the Config Rule.


  • rule_parameters (dict)

The input parameters of the Config Rule.

Return Syntax

If one of the parameters is invalid, raise an InvalidParametersError error.

from rdklib import InvalidParametersError
raise InvalidParametersError("Error message to display")

If the parameters are all valid, return a dict.

return valid_rule_parameters

method evaluate_change()

Used to evaluate Configuration Change triggered rule.


  • event

Lambda event provided by Config.

  • client_factory (ClientFactory)

ClientFactory object to be used in this rule.

  • configuration_item (dict)

The full configuration Item, even if oversized.

  • valid_rule_parameters (dict)

The output of the evaluate_parameters() method.

Return Syntax

Return an list of Evaluation object(s).

return [Evaluation()]

It can be an empty list, if no evaluation.

method evaluate_periodic()

Used to evaluate Periodic triggered rule.


  • event

Lambda event provided by Config.

  • client_factory (ClientFactory)

ClientFactory object to be used in this rule.

  • valid_rule_parameters (dict)

The output of the evaluate_parameters() method.

Return Syntax

Return an list of Evaluation object(s).

return [Evaluation()]

It can be an empty list, if no evaluation.

class Evaluation

Class for the Evaluation object.

Request Syntax

evaluation = Evaluation(


  • complianceType (ComplianceType) [REQUIRED]

Compliance type of the evaluation.

  • resourceId (string)

Resource id of the evaluation. It gets autopopulated for Configuration Change triggered rule.

  • resourceType (string)

Resource type of the evaluation (as per AWS CloudFormation definition). It gets autopopulated for Configuration Change triggered rule.

  • annotation (string)

Annotation for the evaluation. It gets shorten to 255 characters automatically.

class ComplianceType

Class for the ComplianceType object.

Request Syntax

Evaluation will display as \"Compliant\"

compliance_type = ComplianceType.COMPLIANT

Evaluation will display as \"Non Compliant\"

compliance_type = ComplianceType.NON_COMPLIANT

Evaluation will not display:

compliance_type = ComplianceType.NOT_APPLICABLE

Helper functions



Do a comparison on the list of Evaluation objects returned by either evaluate_change() or evaluate_periodic().

Request Syntax

rdklibtest.assert_successful_evaluation(self, response, resp_expected, evaluations_count=1)


  • response (list of Evaluation Objects) [REQUIRED]

The list of the response from evaluate_change() or evaluate_periodic()

  • resp_expected (list of Evaluation Objects) [REQUIRED]

The list of the expected response from evaluate_change() or evaluate_periodic()

  • evaluations_count (int)

The number of Evaluation Objects expected. Default is 1.




Generate a dummy configuration change event that can be used as input when testing _evaluate_change()_

Request Syntax

rdklibtest.create_test_configurationchange_event(invoking_event_json, rule_parameters_json=None)


  • invoking_event (dict) [REQUIRED]

the invoking event json from Config

  • rule_parameters_json (dict)

the key/value pair(s) for the Rule parameters. Default to None.

Return Syntax

    "eventLeftScope": False,
    "invokingEvent": json.dumps(invoking_event_json),
    "accountId": "123456789012",
    "configRuleArn": "arn:aws:config:us-east-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-8fngan",
    "ruleParameters": json.dumps(rule_parameters_json)


Generate a dummy periodic event that can be used as input when testing _evaluate_periodic()_

Request Syntax



  • rule_parameters_json (dict)

the key/value pair(s) for the Rule parameters. Default to None.

Return Syntax

    "eventLeftScope": False,
    "invokingEvent": "{\"messageType\": \"ScheduledNotification\", \"notificationCreationTime\": \"2017-12-23T22:11:18.158Z\"}",
    "accountId": "123456789012",
    "configRuleArn": "arn:aws:config:us-east-1:123456789012:config-rule/config-rule-8fngan",
    "ruleParameters": json.dumps(rule_parameters_json)